Etyeki Kuria Sauvignon Blanc

Etyeki Kuria Sauvignon Blanc

10,00 Per bottle

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When in stock; delivered within 2 to 4 business days
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Etyeki Kuria Sauvignon Blanc uit Etyek, Hongarije. Beautiful light yellow colour. The nose is packed with lemon, lemon zest, green apple and white pepper with a slightly vegetal and mineral character. The taste has the recurring notes of green apple with a hint of lime zest and fresh pineapple. de afdronk is licht kruidig met voornamelijk munt.Als aperitief, bij frisse salades, geitenkaas of vis. Sauvignon Blanc: ook wel fumé blanc genoemd, is de belangrijkste witte druif van de Bordeaux. Langs de Loire worden er frisse, fruitige wijnen van gemaakt. In Sauternes, wordt de druif vermengd met de sémillon. Sauvignon blanc verspreidde zich in de 18e eeuw via migranten naar de rest van de wereld. In wine regions with a temperate climate, the grape feels at its best. The sauvignon blanc, locally called surin, is one of the oldest grape varieties that were planted in France. Sauvignon Blanc has a characteristic perfume of flowers and gooseberries, is spicy but can be both tart (around the upper reaches of the Loire) and plump and round. The wines usually have a high acidity

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